About Us
We're a Collective of Scientists Driven By a Common Goal:
To Build a Better World With Aptamers
NeoVentures was founded in 2002 and has since become the world leader in aptamer development and applications. Every day we’ve strived to radically change how aptamers are developed and commercialized, and it’s worked.
Our Founders

Dr. Gregory Penner
Gregory grew up in rural western Canada on a tree nursery. He decided to enroll in agriculture at University because he was inspired by Dr. Norman Borlaug obtaining a Nobel Peace Prize for the green revolution in India and Pakistan. He later went on to complete a Master’s and PhD in molecular biology. He built a career in cereal molecular breeding, eventually becoming the global leader for wheat genomics with Monsanto.

Ximena Vedoya
Ximena grew up in Buenos Aires Argentina, and decided to enroll in molecular biology at the University of Buenos Aires because of a fascination with nature and the beauty of natural structures. Upon graduation, she emrolled in a Business and Management program at Harvard University and worked in regulatory affairs for Latin American South for Monsanto.
We Believe That Health Care Needs to Be Reinvented
And it Starts With Aptamers
Both Gregory and Ximena wanted the freedom to try to achieve more for the world with their combined skillsets than they would ever be able to achieve remaining at Monsanto so in 2002 they founded NeoVentures Biotechnology Inc. Since then, we’ve been committed to applying innovative approaches to improving health care. We think that health care itself needs to be reinvented. The top–down approach from disease discovery to treatment has resulted in an industry that is only interested in people once they have been diagnosed with a disease. We are reinventing diagnostics and drug delivery in ways that will provide individuals with the capacity to own their health trajectories dynamically.
Our Values
Our vision has been shared and encouraged by so many others, we are convinced that aptamers will effect profound changes for individual health. Every week, as our projects grow and problems are overcome we are increasingly excited about the potential to achieve this vision together as a community.